
March 20, 2015
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by Nadine Paull   Relationships offer the best of so many worlds: exhilaration, excitement, hard work, and familiarity. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of maintaining healthy, balanced relationships, is making time for quality time — and knowing how to spend that time effectively! Whether you’re a fan of the classics or up for

February 24, 2015
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by Amanda Satsky   Purim is rapidly approaching, and we’re getting excited for intricate costumes, games, dancing, and carnival-like celebrations. However, there’s one aspect of Purim that we just can’t get enough of: hamantaschen. Why do Jews eat hamantaschen pastries on Purim, you may ask? First, to commemorate the Jews’ escape from evil Haman’s grasp.

February 24, 2015
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Everyone wants to feel like they are unique and special in this world. People with rare diseases are no exception. But when you have a rare disorder, it is also especially nice not to feel alone. Enter Rare Disease Day, which is celebrated around the world on the last day of February each year. The

February 16, 2015
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by Amanda Satsky The quest for a mate is not typically a quick fix, ask-and-you-shall-receive sort of adventure. There’s no ‘choose your own ending’ safety net. In fact, it has the potential to be a veritable obstacle course of social standards, trial and error, perfect timing, first impressions, and understanding what it is you actually