
JScreen’s PEACH BRCA Internship

JScreen islooking for paid student interns for the Summer and Fall 2019 semesters to helppromote participation in the PEACH BRCA Study, a genetic testing initiative inthe metro-Atlanta area.

JScreen is:

A national, public health program based out of Emory Universitydedicated to providing Jewish genetic disease screening. Until now,JScreen’s focus has been on reproductive carrier screening for diseases likeTay-Sachs and cystic fibrosis that may impact a couple’s future children. Weare launchinga separate pilot program to offer free BRCAtesting to eligible Ashkenazi Jews in the Atlanta area through a study, withhopes of expanding the BRCA programnationally.

Mutations in the BRCAgenes predispose carriers to certain cancers, including breast, ovarian,pancreatic, and prostate. Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews face a 1 in 40 riskof carrying a mutation in a BRCA gene,even if they have no history of cancer on their families; this number is morethan ten times the risk in the general population. BRCA carriers who know they have a mutation before they developcancer can take advantage of available options for medical management andcancer risk reduction.

JScreen’s mission is to help prevent devastating diseases by making genetic testing accessible to the Jewish community. Through the PEACH BRCA study, we have the opportunity to prevent cancer and save lives. 


The expectation for this paid internship is to create awareness and toencourage participation in JScreen’s PEACH BRCA study through online andon-the-ground efforts in the metro-Atlanta area. Responsibilities include, butare not limited to:

  • Speakingand tabling at community events
  • Engagingwith local Jewish organizations
  • Creatingmarketing content
  • Activelypromoting on social media and other creative online outlets, i.e., YouTubevideo, blog posts


Someone who is involved and well-connected in Jewish life in themetro-Atlanta area; is social media savvy; has event planning experience; hasstrong critical thinking skills; is highly creative; is passionate abouthelping the Jewish community; has 10-15 hours per week available to devote tothe project; has strong writing and public speaking skills.

To apply, email resume and cover letter to



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