Jscreen & You

The Accident that Saved My Life

By Dylan S.

On our 1-year wedding anniversary, my husband and I finally purchased our JScreen tests. I’ll never forget the moment because we were going back and forth about also purchasing the newly available CancerGen test and decided not to…we didn’t feel we needed it at that time. Well, I accidentally ordered the CancerGen test along with the ReproGen test, which would turn out to be an accident that would potentially save my life.

A few weeks after testing we received the results. On the ReproGen test, we both showed to be carriers of a few things but no overlap, thank G-d. On the CancerGen test, however, I tested positive for a rare gene called GREM1 which predisposed me to Colon Cancer. I spoke to the JScreen Genetic Counselors about my concerns and my next steps. Though the gene is incredibly rare, they were still able to give me comfort in all of the unknown. I made my appointment with the GI doctor and went in for my first colonoscopy the day before my 30th birthday. The next day, on my birthday, I got a call from the doctor letting me know they had found several benign and precancerous polyps. If I had not tested, who knows where I would be today or several years from now.

Almost a year later, I prepare for my next annual colonoscopy having welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world. And you bet he will be screened as soon as he is able to.

Thank you JScreen for granting me knowledge and empowering me to make informed decisions about
my health.

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